Album production
Juno-, ECMA-, Canadian Folk Award- and ADISQ-nominated productions
An experienced engineer, Davy Hay Gallant, behind the console at all times
The environment and tools to bring out your full potential
Album production
Juno-, Canadian Folk Award- and ADISQ-nominated productions
An experienced engineer, Davy Hay Gallant, behind the console
The environment and tools to bring out your full potential

Packages to suit your needs
Studio Le Pond offers album recording packages, tailor-made according to your needs, which can include:
production and arrangements,
sound recording,
hiring of experienced musicians,
making-of video,
transportation from Quebec City or Montreal.

A few productions
Rhyme Disease (UK)
Produced, recorded at Le Pond
Mixed by Tchad Blake @Mongrel, Wales, UK
Fred Fiset (for BOSE corp)
Produced, recorded & mixed at Le Pond
Coeur chaviré
Sirène et Matelot (P.E.I.)
Produced, recorded & mixed at Le Pond
Il est grand temps
Les Tireux d'Roches (QC)
Produced, recorded & mixed at Le Pond
Le cantouque du retour
Steve Veilleux (QC)
Produced, recorded, mixed & at Le Pond
La paix
MOrisse (France)
Produced, recorded, mixed & mastered at Le Pond
A few testimonials

Davy Hay Gallant
Davy's productions are intuitive & precise (Mario Boulianne, music critic for Le Droit).
His vast experience and diverse musical influences make him a sought-after producer.
Davy accompanies you with curiosity, complicity and a truly collaborative approach.
Recording your project at Le Pond means pushing the envelop to the max of your potential and bringing your music to the next level.
En quelques points :
30 ans d'expérience en réalisation d'album
Nominations aux Junos, ECMA, Canadian Folk Award et à l'ADISQ
Co-concepteur des haut-parleurs Daniel Audio Lab utilisés par le mixeur Tchad Blake (Robert Plant, Peter Gabriel, etc.)
Compositeur et réalisateur de la trame sonore du Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada à Toronto
Concepteur sonore pour les arts de la scène avec le cirque Éloize et la Compagnia Finzi Pasca
Multi-instrumentiste (guitares, mandoline, corne-muse, basse, batterie, flûte traversière notamment)
Guitariste pour Chloé Sainte-Marie depuis 2007
Outil de prédilection : papier & crayon
Unicycliste et jongleur à ses heures (!)