2 Neve 1073 DPX
4 Groove Tube MP-1
2 Chandler TG 2 EMI
4 Telefunken V692
1 737sp
1 Focusrite Octopre (8 mic pre)
1 UREI 1176 LN (Rev F 1973)
2 Empirical Labs Distressors
2 Groove Tube X Tube EQ
2 BSS Compressors
BSS compressors
Apollo X16
Apollo X8
Apollo Twin MkII
Daniel Audio Labs NF12B
4 Heartech mixers
3 A-T ATH M-50 headphones (luv these)
3 Sony 7506 headphones
SansAmp (Classic)
1 BLUE Cactus tube
2 Dachman DA 87i
2 Neumann TLM 103
1 AKG C12 (Rental on demand/location sur demande)
1 Neumann 184
2 AEA R-84
1 T.H.E. Binaural BS-3D (version 5)
2 T.H.E. KR33A (Matched)
1 Groove Tube MD1
1 Beyer M-88
1 Copperphone-Mini
1 Yamaha Sub-Kick
1 Shure SM7B
3 Shure SM 57
1 EV RE-20
Nuendo 11
Wavelab 9
Reason 7
Universal Audio (Complete bundle/collection complète)
Audioease Alitverb 7 & Speakerphone 2
Soundtoys 5 (Complete bundle/collection complète)
5.1 Tokai baby grand piano
Nord Piano
Fender Strat ’57 reissue 1984
Gibson Les Paul standard
Squier 6, 6 string guitar-bass
Supro Super 1959
Steinberger GP2S
Rickenbacker 4001 bass
Hofner wanna-be bass!
Ibanez Artist series Banjo
1957 Fender Bassman 'Tweed'
60’s Twin Reverb silver face
Mesa Boogie Mark 3 hardwood
Gibson J-50 1963
Martin 000-18 1971
Martin D-1 1995
Martin (little Martin)
Washburn 125th edition parlor guitar
Washburn jumbo modified to baritone with Rompré neck
Norman B20-12
Aria dobro
Gibson A serie 1915 mandolin
National 1946 lapsteel (2 necks)
Early 70s Ludwig 'Sparkle Blue'
Sonor 3005 full maple 6 pieces
Several snares
Box of percs, shakers and such
Luka hard maple Djembe
Silver flute
Sweetheart Irish flute (4 keys)
Penny whistles galore
Highland pipes (Lawrie)